Gordon Douglas Duffus email # 2

Okay........ this is official...... & sent out 'shotgun' style: Please
hold back your e-mails until 24 August as.... taaa ta taaa, we'll be
gone from this place until then & we'll not be clearing out the
e-mailbox until we get home. I know that there will be the 'usual' crap
here when we get back.... & if I responded favorably to half of it, my
penis would be 1 1/2 miles long, we'd be rich, Cindy's breasts wouldn't
fit into our house, & every Nigerian in the world would be my business
partner....... aside from that stuff (1 1/2 miles long?), please hold
off in sending 'meaningful' e-mails until we get back.
   We're off to Scotland........ where God is so close that He sits on
your head.... where Mars Bars are (like most everything else)
deep-fat-fried..... and there is no listing in The Yellow Pages for
'British Food' in The Restaurant Section (there isn't here, either).....
but they do have PINTS!
   There is currently a Heat-Wave going on there as I write. Of course,
next week, it'll be  over & done &  The UK will resort to
summer-weather-as-usual.......... horizontal rain, daytime temps in the
40's/50's , and us with suitcases packed for 3 seasons. We really do
love the place or we'd stop going back as often (not often enough) as we
do. Anyway, hold back the e-mail............  I'll have enough "Wanna
see me naked" sites to check out when we get back........ days & days of
them :-)
Bye, y'all,
Gordon & Cindy
ps: the attached photo is from '79.... taken at Dalhousie Castle.....
our Honeymoon trip with Edinburgh Cops & their wives :-)