Dear David..........
The first three attachments are..... dead Duffuses laying in Elgin
Cathedral. One dead guy listed is a cousin (gggg?). The others, I'm
unsure of but located the graves just last
week in the Cathedral Yard & was pleased. The last two attachments are
definitely 'mine'. We 'talk'.
I've also learned that the ground is no longer 'consecrated' & that no
more burials are allowed. Also, my great-grandfather's house at 237 High
St. has been torn down..... now just an empty lot next to the empty lot
next to the Mary Hill Round-about. Nobody asked me if they could pull it
I picked up some local history pamphlets & am reading of two Duffus
Closes (& their histories) within old Elgin..... info to follow. Also
visited Findrassie Farm, just south of Duffus Castle, where my grandfather
from the mid 1700's worked (info from the 'will' which you
sent). When I explained who I was to the present owners (while standing in
their driveway in the drizzle), I got a tour of the resident horses &
old barns...... nice folks living there now. They promise more info in the
future when the 'resident historian' returns from Bosnia.
We dropped in on Alistair at the Duffus Inn and as he knew that we were
coming (I assume), our photo & my police shoulder patches were ON
the bar. Nice touch! Didn't get to see Alistair but I think that he made
us lunch (?). Are people afraid of me? :-) Ate lunch there with a friend
from Forres, retired RAF type. Nice guy. Met 'em On-Line when we agreed on
political things in The Northern Scot 'Letters to the Editor'
section. We only had the evening & next morning in Duffus/Elgin so didn't
get to do all of the things which I had wanted to do. The fire at
Grant Lodge also curtailed some of my plans......... & the Elgin Museum
was closed (?). We need DNA from the Roseisle bones!
Anyway, we came back from Scotland & drove up to Jersey the same week
for my nephew Colin's (oldest brother Bob's oldest son) wedding. Good
time. Kilts all around! Next weekend we're in Norfolk so Cindy can attend
a Pre Ordination meeting........ she's seriously considering
becoming an Episcopal Priest. On the 27th are the Williamsburg Games (we
'do' the tent), the 4th of Oct. begins my ship's reunion in St.
Augustine, Fla., & then we have the Richmond Games on the 25th/26th of
Oct. (we also 'do' the tent here) & expect a house full of Yankee
relatives for the event. I'm tired! If it didn't rain on a given day this
spring/summer (12 weekends in a row), we were scheduled to go
someplace :-( The weather in Scotland, believe me, was better than it was
here. We caught one day of drizzle in two weeks over there...... of
course that was when we were leaving Duffus. Aside from that, the temps
were in the 70's and the skies were beautiful...... but sometimes windy.
We spent most of our time hanging out w/ our friends in Edinburgh as
Aileen is really ill w/ MS & we don't expect to see her alive again. Her
husband, Andrew, is doing a miraculous job with her..... & himself. We did
manage some day-trips around Edinburgh & The Borders.......... great
sites........ and even an over-nighter to Mull & Iona. We had a great
Take care,